Welcome to my blog
Here, I share my thoughts, tips, and experiences on coding and software development. As a software developer, I am always learning and growing, and I use this blog as a way to document and reflect on the things that have helped me in my work. Whether you’re just starting out in the field or you’re a seasoned pro, I hope you find something useful here.
I decided to write here in English as it is the language of software engineers.
Thanks for stopping by!
1. (DEV-TIP) How to solve Microsoft’s SSO error: Invalid STS Request (AADSTS90023)
While implementing Microsoft Entra SSO for a customer, I stumbled over this error. A real head-banger. Here’s how I solved it. Microsoft Entra troubleshooting. AADSTS90023 fix.
2. (DEV-TIP) How to determine if a user is logged in without facing a PHPMD.CookieAndSessionMisuse in Magento2
To determine if a user is logged in I usually use the customer-session object. Yet, this leads to an error in PHP Mess Detector: CookieAndSessionMisuse. Here’s how to avoid that.
3. (PRODUCTIVITY) How to stop LibreOffice windows from shrinking to a very small line on Linux
When I drag LibreOffice windows from full-size view to another monitor, they frequently collapse to a small line and become almost invisible. I wrote a small script that makes sure they always remain clickable. Here it is:
4. (DEV-TIP) CLI-Script for creating Sitemap XML
How to create Magento sitemap programmatically: The Magento2 sitemap can only be created through cron-jobs. I wrote a little script that makes it possible to start sitemap creation at will, which is very useful for debugging.
5. (DEV-TIP) Recovering mysql from ‘Database Page Corruption’
Mysql server crashed and would not restart. How can I fix the page corruption on startup?
6. (DEV-TIP) Exporting and Importing Magento 2 DBs
Exporting and Importing Magento databases has its pitfalls. Here’s how you do it without falling into a trap. #dump #mysqldump
7. (DEV-TIP) Making varnish, Apache and Let’s Encrypt play nicely
After installing varnish you may experience problems with Let’s Encrypt renewal failures. Here’s what you need to do.
8. (DEV-TIP) Debugging and Customizing Order Success Page in Magento2
Accessing the order success page requires a successful order. Here is a shortcut to skip the order process.
9. (DEV-TIP) Deleting all tables in a mySQL database
A little while back I needed to reset a database and I did not want to mess with the uses and access rights. So, I made a script that gets rid of all content in the database.
10. (MANAGEMENT-TIP) Strategies for the getting the most out of developer job interviews
I did more job interviews than I am able to recall. Here is a list of things I that helped me find the right candidates.
11. (DEV-TIP) Verifying data from an ElasticSearch instance working with Magento2
With a few simple curl calls in a bash, data can be extracted from an ElasticSearch instance.
12. (DEV-TIP) Optimize a large amount of images on the command line.
An oneliner can be used to easily optimize large image data on the command line with imagemagick.
13. (DEV-TIP) Debugging racing conditions in Magento2 in JavaScript
Racing conditions are hard to debug because they often cannot be recreated consistently. Here is how I tackled one of those cases.
14. (DEV-TIP) Magento development environment: Reload images from CMS and products from remote server.
In the local development environment, all images from the live environment are usually missing. With a small hack you can solve this problem.