Exporting and Importing Magento DBs
When you export a Magento database and attempt to import it on another machine, you might encounter the following error:
ERROR 1227 (42000) at line XXXX: Access denied; you need (at least one of) the SUPER privilege(s) for this operation
The wording may vary slightly, but essentially it’s the same error everywhere. This error occurs due to the usage of definers in Magento’s database triggers. Definers are database user accounts that require specific rights to create the triggers. Importing a database created with a different user than that on the target machine leads to MySQL being unable to create those triggers. The associated definer either does not exist or lacks sufficient access rights for the database.
Step 1: Exporting a Magento Database
To get around this, you can use the following line of bash script:
mysqldump --single-transaction --no-tablespaces -u USERNAME -p DATABSE -h HOST --triggers | sed -e 's/DEFINER[ ]*=[ ]*[^*]*\*/\*/' | gzip > magento_.`date +"%Y%m%d"`.sql.gz
Make sure to replace USERNAME, DATABASE and HOST with your actual values, of course. I took this of code line from Sandor Czettner’s Blog and modified it a little. The line exports the database and removes the DEFINER definitions.
I’m using the switch --no-tablespaces
to omit this error:
Access denied; you need (at least one of) the PROCESS privilege(s) for this operation when trying to dump tablespaces
In most cases, when creating a dump to transfer data between Magento instances, you won’t need the tablespace data. By using the “–no-tablespaces” option, you can exclude the “CREATE LOGFILE GROUP” and “CREATE TABLESPACE” statements from the dump. The “CREATE LOGFILE GROUP” statement is responsible for managing Redo-logs, which help minimize the risk of data loss. Furthermore, the “CREATE TABLESPACE” statement is used specify things for physically storing tables on the hard drive. Since this information is not essential for the purpose of transferring data between Magento instances, excluding it from the dump simplifies the process.
Step 2: Importing a Magento Database
To import the modified dump file, use the following command:
gunzip < magento_.20230628.sql.gz | mysql -u USERNAME DATABASE -p -h HOST
Again, please replace USERNAME, DATABASE and HOST with the actual values.
By following these steps, you can successfully import a Magento database without encountering the “Access denied” error. Special thanks to Sandor Czettner for providing the initial script and saving us from potential headaches.
Note: Please ensure that you have the necessary backups and exercise caution while performing database operations.
Happy coding, Manuel